My (two page) cover letter to be a budtender

Annie Altman
4 min readOct 9, 2020

September 4, 2018

While the word “high” is often used regarding cannabis, I tend to experience the exact opposite — grounding. My relationship with cannabis began with a complete rejection of it, and moved to a deep reverence of cannabis and all plants that only continues to grow (pun intended). Cannabis has been, not hyperbolically, life-changing for me. Along with yoga asana and mindful food choices, I credit cannabis for allowing me to let go of an almost ten year relationship with antidepressants. (For the record I am in support of people using any tools to support themselves, so long as those tools do not cause harm to others.) Cannabis has been directly therapeutic for me, and has also led me to an open-mindedness about other therapeutic practices. I am passionate about the cannabis movement, and view it as directly connected to other movements with which I am involved. I would love to get involved with LAPCG.

I moved to LA a month ago and, as my application shows, I’ve recently moved around a lot. I went to college believing I would then go to medical school and become a physician, most likely a psychiatrist. Two years ago I decided to reroute my life towards a creative path, and I’ve been feeling my “most me” ever since. While change is uncomfortable, I am grateful to let go of the strict life plan I set out for myself — I am truly astonished by the opportunities I’ve received.

I’ve been working the past year on a philosophy stand-up show called “The Humanual,” about how no…



Annie Altman

Showing and telling thoughts and feelings on humaning. All Humans Are Human Podcast, The HumAnnie, Funds Distribution Company